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Jun 24, 2019

Your inner doubt.

Do you look at your past success and sometimes explain it away? “Yeah, but I got lucky. I was just in the right place at the right time.” Or do you look at your hopes and dreams and explain away your ability to achieve them? “Yeah, but I couldn’t do that. I don’t have the...

Jun 17, 2019

NLP demystified.

Frank Somma is a sought-after motivational speaker, workshop leader, coach, and author. He is a certified practitioner of NLP, the communication science that made Tony Robbins famous. He has taught audiences in varied industries how to gain instant rapport, build great relationships and create customers...

Jun 10, 2019

Top 10 lessons.

On May 1, 2015, I published my first podcast episode. For episode #100, I published a “best of” episode. For episode #200, I am giving you the top lesson from each of my most listened to episodes in the second 100 episodes. Each lesson has so much but I sifted through the best lessons for you so that...

Jun 1, 2019

How to lead.

Born and raised in CT, Eric Kapitulik attended at the US Naval Academy, where he was a four-year varsity letter winner on the lacrosse team.

Graduating in 1995, Eric went on to serve in the Marine Corps as both an Infantry Officer and Special Operations Officer. As a Platoon Commander, he led a team of 20...