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Dec 25, 2017

Results from a listener who has taken action. Today I bring you Jared Kahmar. Jared is a husband, father, educator and coach. Married with three children. He’s currently the principal at ? School. He’s been an assistant principal, athletic director and coached wrestling and football. Jared is a regular guy in the...

Dec 18, 2017

Why following your passion doesn’t work. Today I bring you, Bill Burnett. After years of drawing cars and airplanes under his grandmother’s sewing machine, Bill went off to the Stanford and discovered that there were people in the world who did this kind of thing every day (without the sewing machine) and they were...

Dec 11, 2017

How to discover what’s next for you. Today I bring you, Shannon Miller. Shannon Miller is the Most Decorated Olympic Gymnast in American History with seven Olympic Medals! She is the only female athlete to be inducted into the US Olympic Hall of Fame – Twice! [Individual (2006) and Team (2008)]. Her tally of five...

Dec 4, 2017

How to be certain when setting the right goals for 2018. Most people I talk to are afraid to set the wrong goal so they simply don’t set any goals. In this week’s episode, I talk about how to set the right goals for 2018 AND how to make sure you follow through.

If you don’t have time to listen to the entire...

Nov 27, 2017

Your procrastination gene and how to override it. Dr. Sharad Paul is an award-winning author, a prolific contributor to major national and international magazines and journals, and a frequent radio and television guest. Born in England, with a childhood in India, Dr. Paul is also a surgeon, evolutionary biologist, and...